Acupuncture & Trigger Point Dry Needling;
Chinese Medicine & Functional Medicine
What isAcupuncture?
Acupuncture is a powerful therapy that enhances the body’s natural healing system. Single use, hair-thin, surgical stainless steel needles are inserted into the surface of the skin to stimulate acupuncture points throughout the body to access a system of channels called meridians. Acupuncture point prescription is individualized to the needs of each client, addressing the underlying insufficiencies and stagnations that are causing the body's symptoms.
How does it work?
The meridians can be thought of as highways that are distributed throughout the body’s anatomical structures (muscles, fascia, bones etc). Various fluids such as blood, lymph and hormones travel along these highways to irrigate and nourish the surrounding tissues. The ancient Chinese believed that Qi or ‘vital life force’ also travels along these highways to provide the energy needed to regulate and maintain the body’s bio mechanisms. When fluids or Qi gets blocked within the meridians it creates an imbalance that can lead to a variety of health problems. Stimulating specific points along the meridians disperses blockages and mobilizes the body’s natural pain relieving substances, anti-inflammatory chemicals, hormones and immune enhancers, ultimately balancing the body's energy systems and fostering its self-healing capabilities.
Preparation for the First Visit:
Ideally, please eat 2-3 hours before you arrive and try to wear loose comfortable clothes although this is not necessary.
We accept major medical out-of-network insurance. To inquire on whether you have acupuncture benefits we offer a free verification service.
I have successfully treated the following conditions using Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine & Trigger Point Dry Needling:
Chronic Pain (back, neck, shoulders, hips etc)
Sports Injuries & Imbalanced Biomechanics
Chronic Infections & Fatigue
Fertility & Women’s Wellness
Endocrine System Imbalances
Nervous System Imbalances
Digestive & Immune Imbalances
Respiratory & Sinus Issues
Stress Management
And so much more!!!
*I offer in-person sessions in NYC and Boulder, CO and virtual sessions internationally
Benefits of Acupuncture:
Increased peripheral circulation
Improved skin and muscle blood flow
Reduced heart rate and blood pressure
Regulated autonomic nervous system
Normalized gastro-intestinal motility
Increased immune function
Balanced reproductive hormones
Stimulus of growth hormone for anti-aging
Deeper more restful/restorative sleep
Increased energy & vitality
Improved moods and day-to-day equilibrium
Heightened somatic & emotional awareness
*I offer in-person sessions in NYC and Boulder, CO and virtual sessions internationally
How I treat pain:
I identify tissue abnormalities and release fascial adhesions and trigger points using precision dry needling and electro-stimulation, resolving referral pain patterns and restoring proper biomechanics.
I integrate:
Acupuncture & Chinese Taoist Medicine
Functional Medicine Nutritional-Supplement-Detox Therapies
Trigger Point Dry Needling - Myofascial Release
Cranial Sacral Therapy & Energy Work
Book a Session
60 Min - $200
90 Minute - $300
Fill out the form below with your contact info and I will get back to you with the arrangements for booking an appointment